Jan 2016

05 Jan 2016 7:22 PM | Marshall Henley

GSLMA Meeting – Wednesday, January 5th, 2016

Location: Grand Glaize Library Branch

Notes by: Jeffrey C. Young

Meeting called to order: 7:22pm

Roll Call.

December minutes read. Motion, second, and passed.

Treasures Report:

BB: $26,404.54

Total Deposits: $1438.00

Debit – Porta Potty #867: $80.00

Debit – Office Supplies #868: $35.82

Total Debits: $115.82

EB: $27,726.72

Motion, second, and passed.

Buder Park Permits:

Permits 2015 12/1/2015 to 12/31/2015: 42

Permits 2015 YTD: 234

Permits 2016 YTD: 53

Old Business:

  • Tony called Jim Gerkin to discuss Buder after flood – if SLCPD is going to do cleanup. Park is still

closed even though the water has receded. Tony wants to schedule a meeting with SLCPD for

GSLMA’s annual meeting.

  • Guest – Bob Underwood. Some GSLMA history GSLMA was one of the highest contributors to a

state college fund (approx. $2000 to $3000). In addition, in the early years, Buder was utilized for

most of the year unlike other SLC Parks (which SLCPD liked). One of the early requirements before

the land was donated that a group be formed to oversee park. This group would be made up of

others clubs with the premise that many voices (club members) with one voice (club) and one vote

(each club) to make running Buder easier.

  • Lance will stay on the rest of the year as treasurer.
  • Bulletin board needs to be made – Jeff to talk with Dennis. 48” tall x 36” wide.
  • Let flyers know when Buder is back open – Tony will let them know.

New Business:

 Field clean up.

 Reserve fields for Air Show.

Meeting closed 8:32pm

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