2016 Apr

04 Apr 2016 7:10 PM | Marshall Henley

GSLMA Meeting – Wednesday, April 4th, 2016

Location: Grand Glaize Library Branch

Notes by: Jeffrey C. Young

Meeting called to order: 7:10pm

Roll Call.

March minutes read. Motion, second, and passed.

Treasures Report:

BB: $29,358.12

Total Deposits: $1186.00

Debit – Porta Potty #871: $80.00

Debit – Office supplies: $31.48

Debit – Info Box: $14.10

Total Debits: $125.58

EB: $30,418.54

Motion, second, and passed.

Buder Park Permits:

Permits 2016 03/01/2016 to 03/31/2016: 37

Permits 2016 YTD: 143

Old Business:

  • Park meeting has not been scheduled at this time. Tony will let everyone know when the meeting

will be held. Meeting to discuss Buder improvements. Will also discuss lease extension.

  • Field reservations for Buder Air Show - price increase from last year for field rental approx. $2000.00

- $2300.00 ($150.00 event fee per day). Discussed in great detail the pros and cons of renting field.

Motion on floor to rent soccer fields for both days by Jon E. for Buder Air Show, second, passed, one

opposed. Mention to delay until Buder Flyers have ability to vote.

  • FPV area – need signs to keep park goers from coming into FPV area when utilized. Tony V. will talk

with SLCPD about getting signs made and consult Phil B. on verbiage.

  • CL speed circle is now cleaned by John Moll with approval from SLCPD. John M. will report

volunteer hours on flood clean up. Water Quik was hired to pressure wash speed circle by John M.

Cleanup needed for upcoming contest. Took 4000 gallons of water to clean speed circle. Cost

$254.50. Motion to reimburse Lafayette Escadrille, second, all in favor, none opposed. John M. will

document the clean up before and after. He will also document the speed contest.

New Business:

  • Tony V. has been talking with Buder Flyers about GSLMA permit fee and having a voice. Most flyers

understand fee and what it is used for. Questions about what GSLMA is and what it does. Discuss

having Buder Flyers have a voice. This will require bylaw change in order to make this change.

Previous proposal to have Buder Flyers form an AMA Charter club and become GSLMA member and

utilize current bylaw in place. Concern with having new voting model stack votes to impose illogical

polices. No real down side to the current system, but no real down side to allowing all permit

holders to vote. Form a committee to look at getting bylaw change, individual voting rights, and

electronic voting.

Meeting closed 8:56pm

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