GSLMA Meeting – Wednesday, March 1st, 2016
Location: Grand Glaize Library Branch
Notes by: Jeffrey C. Young
Meeting called to order: 7:01pm
Roll Call.
February minutes read. Motion, second, and passed.
Treasures Report:
BB: $28,542.12
Total Deposits: $896.00
Debit – Porta Potty #870: $80.00
Total Debits: $80.00
EB: $29,358.12
Motion, second, and passed.
Buder Park Permits:
Permits 2016 02/01/2016 to 02/31/2016: 27
Permits 2016 YTD: 106
Old Business:
- FPV signage to be completed. CL area signage to be completed.
- Meeting with Jim G. at Buder to look at conditions at Buder and what improvements we could make. Also look at grill location. Tony will inform on date and time.
- Buder field rental for Air Show – will fill out form and get final price.
New Business:
FPV area at Buder is utilized and planning upcoming events.
Work on master plan for Buder improvements.
Chief Nesbit will enforce permit as needed.
GSLMA Meeting date April 7th, May 3rd, and June 2nd.
See if it possible to get dirt removed from CL speed cage for speed contest. 41K sq feet. Prices from $700.00 to $4000.00. Will see if SLCPD can clean, but delayed due to the shear amount of work from flooding. Will look into having GSLMA members perform work and get equipment.
Meeting closed 8:24pm