FEB 25 2016: While our field was flooded in December 2015, it’s back to normal, except for electricity. Many have flown in the last two weeks with the beautiful Spring-like days we were able to enjoy. We’re looking at solutions for electrical work that make sense, long-term. In the mean time, bring charged batteries or a small generator. The porta-potty is en-route and should be there soon.
We finished a work day on Saturday, February 20th, so things are looking good. Look for the usual work days to get the field into ship-shape for Spring as well as our big June Fly-in.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, do not hesitate to email SLRCFA.Rotate@gmail.com.
Our field is in great shape and still beautiful… so grateful that our workday got everything back into place! –Marshall Henley