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SLRCFA Membership Application

You must read, understand, abide by and follow the AMA Safety CodeSLRCFA Rules (including Operating Procedures and membership waiver) and the SLRCFA ConstitutionTo have flying privileges at St. Louis RC flying field, you must have current membership in the AMA within 60 days of your first Instructional flight, or when you solo, whichever comes first. Online sign-up is available at:


5151 East Memorial Drive

Muncie, Indiana   47302-9252

https://www.modelaircraft.org/joinrenew.aspx    1-800-I FLY AMA     ( 1-800-435-9252 )          Fax: (765) 741-0057

AMA membership provides liability insurance coverage for model aircraft operations. SLRCFA is an AMA Club.

By applying for membership, renewing membership or changing membership level you are providing your electronic agreement to abide by and follow all of the above requirements, and you acknowledge the same with your consent below:

I understand and agree to comply with all AMA Safety Code and AMA Membership rules, the SLRCFA Constitution and all SLRCFA flying and membership waiver requirements. I understand that failure to comply with any membership requirements can result in the termination of my membership in the club without refund. I understand that SLRCFA is a private club and all members must be voted in by the SLRCFA Board of Directors prior to flying.

The first 6 months of membership at St Louis Radio Control Flying Association are probationary.  Failure to adhere to SLRCFA rules and procedures may result in immediate revocation of membership.

Send email to SLRCFAwebmaster@gmail.com if you have any questions.


QuickSTART memberships get you started in the hobby with minimal cost and maximal fun. You don't have to buy ANYTHING including insurance to fly for 60 days! Fly with our planes, our batteries, our propellers, and we'll get you to solo.

For $50 (minimum age 10 years old) you get free ground school, a two-month window of free QuickSTART instruction, and all benefits of membership except for voting. Your fee goes towards the rental and upkeep of our training equipment.

Your QuickSTART membership starts as soon as you join, but you'll be in ground school until you get to your two-month training block. You are required to complete your ground school prior to the training block.

During your training block, you'll train once a week with an SLRCFA QuickSTART Instructor, learning basic flying, then eventually soloing and getting the sign-off for unlimited flying! 

To be eligible for QuickSTART, you must be at least 10 years of age (accompanied by adult if under 18) and may not have been an SLRCFA member for the previous 5 years.




By applying below you agree to abide by the terms above.

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

(c) 2023, St. Louis Radio  Control Flying Association

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